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Why IT Consulting in Denver Should Include Cloud-Based Healthcare


Healthcare facilities require robust IT consulting in Denver in order to meet HIPAA regulations and patient expectations. One way for hospitals to cut costs is to use subscription-based cloud services. Leaders in global healthcare cloud computing include Amazon Web Services, General Electric, IBM, Oracle, and Salesforce. Here are reasons that as a local IT consulting , we should offer cloud services to healthcare organizations. Healthcare's Adoption of Cloud Computing The growing interest among healthcare providers in cloud-based, Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) platforms is associated with both lower costs and reduced tech support requirements. The cloud makes running any business more seamless and flexible in many ways. Third party software can be easily integrated into the cross-platform system and doctors have multiple options [...]

Why IT Consulting in Denver Should Include Cloud-Based Healthcare2022-02-20T14:16:18-07:00

All About Ransomware and How Managed IT Services Providers in Denver Can Help You Avoid Them


You’re probably familiar with a large variety of IT security threats. But do you actually know these threats in detail? If not, it may be time to consult with our reliable managed IT services team in Denver. Ransomware constitutes one of the most heinous cybercrimes, and to protect your system, you must be familiar with this threat in its entirety. To get you started on that, let’s discuss some crucial facts about Ransomware. What Exactly is Ransomware? Ransomware denotes a malware that aids hackers in encrypting data and demanding payment before providing the encryption key. Your business personnel may receive malicious email attachments or programs that give cybercriminals access to your system. Banks were the primary victims of ransomware attacks, [...]

All About Ransomware and How Managed IT Services Providers in Denver Can Help You Avoid Them2022-02-20T14:16:18-07:00

Prevent Fileless Malware with IT Support in Denver


There are so many ways the security of a business can be compromised. In the recent years, we’ve seen the emergence of a new trend in the hacking space. Studies have found that what’s known as fileless malware is taking over. Impossible to detect by most, this type of malware needs no hard drive and when executed, and it can be all that a hacker needs to gain access to a bank or any other type of financial institution. Our IT support provider in Denver can understand this new risk so we can help you prepare. Fileless malware is, indeed, taking off. A study was recently done by Kaspersky Lab in Russia--- they did research into just how common fileless [...]

Prevent Fileless Malware with IT Support in Denver2022-02-20T14:16:19-07:00

Our IT Consulting Experts in Denver Explains How a Data Backup Retention Policy Impacts Storage Needs


As time progresses, more and more data are stored on computers and servers. A backup system will safeguard your organization's data, yet it can also cause a spike in the amount of data stored. A policy-based system for storage might also prove helpful. Our IT consulting group in Denver has found data retention policies have proven successful to decrease data backup sizes and automate retention. The Challenge of Data Cleanup For the most part, a manual cleanup is not reasonable. A significant number of files that serve no purpose will eventually have to be cleaned up. This issue is made worse with backup data. Some IT groups have found success with a combination of frequent full system backups and incremental [...]

Our IT Consulting Experts in Denver Explains How a Data Backup Retention Policy Impacts Storage Needs2022-02-20T14:16:19-07:00

Our Managed IT Services Team in Denver Explains How Data Backup Can Protect Your Infrastructure


Today's business owners, managers, and IT employees are more concerned with data and servers than ever before. Data loss--- mainly the loss of client data--- is extremely costly. Plenty of businesses can't bounce back from such an event. Taking proper care of software and hardware certainly helps block digital threats yet those threats will always exist. Every business needs and deserves a reliable solution for data backup, disaster recovery efforts, and maintaining business continuity. Our managed IT services team in Denver is here to help. A Closer Look at Data Loss Events A survey conducted a couple years ago by Databarracks shows nearly one-quarter of all data loss events were induced by human error. A mere 16 percent of data [...]

Our Managed IT Services Team in Denver Explains How Data Backup Can Protect Your Infrastructure2022-02-20T14:16:19-07:00

Don’t Underfund Your IT Security— Our IT Support Team in Denver Can Help Your Business!


Large organizations undoubtedly have a significant advantage when it comes to digital security issues. Small to medium businesses tend to struggle in this realm of IT support in Denver that thwarts online threats before they can wreak havoc. A recent survey of 150 IT security employees at small and medium businesses shows a considerable drop in overarching confidence when it comes to digital security manners and supposedly effective security technologies. Details About the IT Security Study The IT security study referenced above was performed by security as a service specialist EiQ Networks. It shows slightly less than 90 percent of those surveyed state their organization has underfunded IT security efforts. This statistic is quite alarming. It is clear the lack [...]

Don’t Underfund Your IT Security— Our IT Support Team in Denver Can Help Your Business!2018-03-22T08:00:08-07:00

How our IT Consulting Firm in Denver Can Help a Small Business


CIOs are often associated with large companies, but small businesses can also benefit from our IT consulting Denver strategy that includes hiring a consultant on an as needed basis. There are numerous reasons why this strategy can be advantageous to a small business. Not only can an experienced CIO save your company money, we can help build a strong reputation for your brand. Instead of hiring a full-time expert to oversee and evaluate your technology, consider a part-time consultant. Tapping into a Wealth of Knowledge The most important thing to remember about hiring a CIO consultant is that the position is more than just a fancy title to help someone pad their resume. For example, you wouldn't want to create [...]

How our IT Consulting Firm in Denver Can Help a Small Business2022-02-20T14:16:19-07:00

Managed IT Services Providers in Denver Can Help You Transition to the Cloud


Plenty of business owners and managers find a possible migration to the cloud to be quite daunting. Our managed IT services team in Denver will ameliorate your move to the cloud. Let the experts help you with this project and you’ll obtain all the benefits from moving your business to a cloud-based platform. The cloud heightens efficiency, decreases IT costs, allows for growth, and improves flexibility. Gauge Your Options Consult with us, a managed service provider (MSP) regarding a possible transition to the cloud and you’ll find that we can provide valuable insight. Inquire to determine what a transition to the cloud will require, if there are risks and whether it’s ideal for your business. Furthermore, as your MSP partner [...]

Managed IT Services Providers in Denver Can Help You Transition to the Cloud2022-02-20T14:16:20-07:00

Our IT Support Team in Denver Can Protect You Against Ransomware as a Service!


Ransomware is not a new threat in the cybersecurity business. The first instance of this class of cybersecurity threat was launched in the Federal Republic of Russia over a decade ago. However, the resurgence of these threats has revealed a cunning way which malicious attackers are using ransomware to launch cyber-extortion businesses. You need to be aware of the fact that these malicious hackers are constantly releasing new ransomware on the market. You can protect your business by hiring a skilled IT support provider in Denver--- like us at AccountabilIT--- to protect your corporate network against these deadly cyber threats. The Workings of Ransomware as a Service (RaaS) Believe it or not, ransomware is now being distributed using affiliate programs, [...]

Our IT Support Team in Denver Can Protect You Against Ransomware as a Service!2022-02-20T14:16:20-07:00

IT Consulting in Denver Might be the Missing Piece to Your Business Puzzle


Just about every type of business can benefit from IT consulting in Denver. The typical business's IT needs are dynamic rather than static, meaning they constantly change as new challenges arise. IT needs to evolve over time as businesses change and grow, shrink or stagnate. Everything from updated network security to shifting to the cloud, to compliance, safeguarding customer data, and troubleshooting hardware/software issues require the assistance of true IT gurus. Our IT Professionals Give Your Business a Much-Needed Edge Think of all the possible situations in which an IT issue can slow your productivity, put client data in jeopardy, and generally bring work to a standstill. Your network, computers and software are vitally important to your productivity and success [...]

IT Consulting in Denver Might be the Missing Piece to Your Business Puzzle2022-02-20T14:16:20-07:00

Protect Your Business From “Vishing” with IT Support in Denver


Continuous Updates: Necessary IT support in Denver is more integral today than ever, and one of the most important areas where your business stands to experience exceptional profit in this regard pertains to cyber-security. From smartphones to personal computers, to the cloud and the IoT (Internet of Things), modern online connectivity is ubiquitous and necessary. Data reception, processing, transfer, consolidation, and simplification are big money. Hackers understand and have found devious means of using this to their advantage. Ever heard of ransomware? In a nutshell, it's a virus that imprisons your files and won't return them unless you pay the fee. Things like this can be exceptionally costly and even bankrupt a company if not properly managed. And with the [...]

Protect Your Business From “Vishing” with IT Support in Denver2022-02-20T14:16:21-07:00

Reasons to Consider Managed IT Services in Denver


Have you ever considered using a managed IT services company in Denver for your IT support needs? Many business owners spend too much time and energy either trying to handle their IT needs on their own or by having a small in-house team that simply can’t handle the demands of the job. They often don’t consider managed IT services because they think their business is too small to benefit or they believe it will be too costly. The truth is, businesses of all sizes can benefit from a managed IT service, and it’s usually more cost-effective than trying to hire, train, and keep an in-house team up-to-date on the newest technology. Here are a just a few reasons that you [...]

Reasons to Consider Managed IT Services in Denver2022-02-20T14:16:21-07:00
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