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Ready to Ditch Your Sticky Notes? Get Started with Outlook Tasks


October 9, 2017 - One of the best ways to boost your productivity is improving your desktop organization. And in this case, we mean your physical desktop organization. It’s time to ditch the post-it notes and scraps of paper and capture your to-do items in a simple task list. Many of us are using the robust Microsoft Outlook platform but few are using it to its full potential. A great way to get more from the program (beyond email and calendars) is by using Outlook Tasks. Getting Started with Microsoft Outlook Tasks Outlook Tasks have been around for years, but you’re not alone if you’ve never tried it…. it’s amazing how few people use this valuable functionality. There are entire [...]

Ready to Ditch Your Sticky Notes? Get Started with Outlook Tasks2022-02-20T14:16:46-07:00

That Favorite Password You Love…It’s Out There | AccountabilIT Tech Tip of the Month


October 2, 2017 - That favorite password you love is great. You know it well. It flies off your fingers onto your keyboard with lightning speed and gets you in everywhere. Unfortunately, if you’re using the same one in more than one place there’s a very good chance it’s out there. And not “out there” in a cool way, it’s out there on the dark web, waiting to be purchased by the next cyber-criminal set out to make some cash and ruin your day. So, what’s the right type of password? Passwords should be like your high school relationships. Super special, constantly changing and overly complicated. By special we mean you should treat each place you log in like it’s [...]

That Favorite Password You Love…It’s Out There | AccountabilIT Tech Tip of the Month2022-02-20T14:16:46-07:00

Ransomware – Two Myths That Are Putting You at Risk


September 25, 2017 - We’ve encountered some interesting perspectives when talking with small businesses about ransomware.  Unfortunately what we’ve found is most small and midsized businesses have beliefs about cyber security and ransomware that are anchored more in myths than in facts.  Here’s the two biggest myths we encountered, and why they’re dangerous for your business. Myth #1: I won't be a victim of ransomware The first thing we found is that most small businesses think they won’t be a victim.  After all, who would want to steal their data?  Unfortunately the stats don’t prove that out….according to Symantec’s 2016 Internet Security Threat Report 43% of cyber attacks actually target small businesses.  That’s a startling statistic, but when you break [...]

Ransomware – Two Myths That Are Putting You at Risk2017-09-25T08:21:40-07:00

Microsoft Teams is a Game Changer for Education


Microsoft Teams set the bar for digital transformation in education by wrapping its Office 365 suite of products in a collaboration engine unlike anything I have ever seen. It is surprising to see the agility of a company Microsoft’s size making these innovations seemingly out of nowhere and changing collaboration in education at its core. This is not to say the Google platform isn’t equally impressive in its own right with what some would say is a more robust management offering as well as a much more rapid deployment time; but in the collaboration space, Google pushes its base to platforms such as Slack because it has no offering of its own. A missed opportunity for sure as [...]

Microsoft Teams is a Game Changer for Education2019-05-22T14:21:55-07:00

AccountabilIT Achieves SOC 2 Compliance


AccountabilIT achieves Service Organization Control (SOC) 2 compliance. This report focuses on the controls service organizations have in place relevant to security, availability, processing integrity, confidentiality and privacy. AccountabilIT’s annual SOC 2 compliance audit was returned with zero exceptions. Strenuous policies and procedures are part of our culture, so while we are extremely proud of our SOC 2 audit, we also expect these high levels of internal standards. SOC 2 compliance is governed by the American Institute of CPAs (IACPA) and is becoming the standard among technology companies especially for businesses operating in the cloud. In our industry it is essential to have this level of compliance. Security, privacy and availability are at the core of [...]

AccountabilIT Achieves SOC 2 Compliance2024-09-12T11:56:28-07:00

One of Microsoft’s Top U.S. Partners


ACCOUNTABILIT NAMED AS ONE OF MICROSOFT’S TOP U.S. PARTNERS LITTLE ROCK, AR — AccountabilIT was named by Redmond Channel Partner magazine to the RCP 200, a list of the top 200 Microsoft partners in the United States. The prestigious list began in 2016 and AccountabilIT has been listed both years. "The great Microsoft partners combine strong technical expertise with a sophisticated understanding of their customers' business requirements to deliver great solutions. The companies that made our 2nd annual RCP 200 list demonstrated those qualities," said Scott Bekker, Editor-in-Chief of Redmond Channel Partner magazine, the leading channel publication for the Microsoft partner community. With over 100,000 Microsoft partners in the U.S. alone, this list was published as [...]

One of Microsoft’s Top U.S. Partners2024-09-12T12:16:27-07:00

Penetration Testing vs Vulnerability Testing for Your Network


March 9, 2017 - Hearing “all of your confidential information is extremely vulnerable, we know this because…” can be good or bad news, but whatever follows the ellipses determines just what type of situation you're in. Consider two scenarios. Scenario 1: “All of your confidential information is extremely vulnerable… we know this because a hacker took all of your customers’ credit card info and locked all of your files behind ransomware.” Scenario 2: “All of your confidential information is extremely vulnerable…we know this because we did a vulnerability scan of your network, and have some suggestions on how you can improve.” 61% percent of small businesses are victimized by cyber attacks each year, and one in five victims do not [...]

Penetration Testing vs Vulnerability Testing for Your Network2022-02-20T14:16:47-07:00

Why More SMBs are Turning to the Cloud to Reduce TCO


March 6, 2017 - More small and mid-size businesses seem to be taking the initiative to learn more about the benefits of the cloud. Determining why SMBs have this sudden keen interest in the cloud isn’t all that tricky. If you shouted, “Cost Savings!” in a room full of SMBs, you’d undoubtedly be the center of attention. And it seems as if this is also the motivating factor as to why more SMBs are looking into cloud-based solutions to reduce expenditures. Although it seems like an oxymoron to recommend investing in new technology to control costs, cloud-based solutions can be leveraged for a greater return on already inevitable operational expenses. By enhancing productivity and overall efficiency, the cloud could help [...]

Why More SMBs are Turning to the Cloud to Reduce TCO2024-11-22T12:14:14-07:00

Cloud Monitoring Can Be the Difference Maker for SMBs


It’s a fast-paced world. Not only do people want things, but they also want things right now. This sometimes-unnerving need for instant satisfaction has only intensified now that we have Wi-Fi and mobile devices that keep us connected regardless of where we are, what we’re doing or the time of day. There is no longer any tolerance whatsoever for waiting. A business with a website that fails to load, or loads too slowly, will lose customers and leads to competitors. So what has your business done to address this need for constant accessibility and optimal uptime? Do you feel you’re doing enough to meet the demands and expectations of your customers, new business prospects and those who have just now [...]

Cloud Monitoring Can Be the Difference Maker for SMBs2023-06-21T00:08:18-07:00

How SMBs Can Utilize the Cloud to Build Their Business


February 13, 2017 - There has been a lot of talk lately about the cloud and its ability to put small to midsize businesses (SMBs) and startups on a level playing field with large global enterprises. Can this be substantiated or is it a load of trendy hype to push SMBs to cloud-based solutions?  We’ve compiled this breakdown of how the cloud can be used to boost profitability. The Convenience Factor It once took smaller companies and startups weeks to launch and configure their own IT infrastructure. Doing so also required a ton of overhead costs. Today’s cloud technology provides the benefits of this very same infrastructure but on an as needed and on-demand basis. SMBs can build a technology [...]

How SMBs Can Utilize the Cloud to Build Their Business2022-02-20T14:16:48-07:00

One Of Six Preferred Partners


Microsoft added AccountabilIT as the exclusive virtual server management provider featured in the System Center Operations Manager (SCOM) console as a preferred partner solution. AccountabilIT offers SCOM customers the ability to receive live monitoring and management for infrastructure on any Windows VM including Azure. AccountabilIT is one of six companies with an offering listed inside SCOM and the only service based solution. We have identified a gap between Azure and the user. We provide the business user a single source of contact and a direct route to management by utilizing licensing already in place. This virtual server management service is a scalable, hosted management solution using System Center and AccountabilIT’s 24x7 network operations center on any [...]

One Of Six Preferred Partners2024-09-12T12:16:31-07:00
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