Don’t Weep Over WannaCry Software– Get IT Services in Denver Today!
admin_hosting2018-05-28T08:14:47-07:00Our IT services in Denver helps you recover data from ransomware attacks as instigated by one of the most pernicious malware worms in recent memory, WannaCry. If you're unfamiliar with WannaCry, it basically exploits a known "back door" included in Windows software at the NSA's behest. This information was discovered in March, and a patch was immediately issued. Most companies took the patch and secured themselves from intrusion, but apparently, not everyone got the memo. The worm was launched in early May and it utilizes SMB ports to induct a pernicious worm which goes about locking individuals from their data against payment in Bitcoin. WannaKey WannaKey has recently hit the market and can help some users get their files back [...]