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How to Build an IT Service Management Strategy in 2021


Think Layered and Proactive When most business owners and executives think of “IT Service Management”, things like office software licensing, new workstation setup, password changes, troubleshooting problem printers, and the like come to mind. IT Service Management is about more than creating support tickets and getting friendly, timely, responsive support. The other half of IT Service Management is often invisible, it is the proactive maintenance in place to prevent technical problems before they happen and the security strategies that your organization has in place to prevent data loss, hacking, malware, ransomware, and other types of security breaches that put your business at risk. An effective IT Service Management Strategy addresses and anticipates the everyday needs of you and your staff [...]

How to Build an IT Service Management Strategy in 20212024-11-18T14:19:32-07:00

What are the Benefits of Managed IT Services?


If you are considering a move to Managed IT Services for your Small or Medium Business, congratulations. It’s a smart move that many organizations have used to leverage their limited budget and resources to improve efficiency, security, service delivery, and professionalism. Below we have compiled just a few of the benefits that your organization can gain when you work with the right Managed Service Provider (MSP). Maintain Focus on Your Strengths Everyone knows that business owners and organization leaders have limited resources, time, and attention. Sometimes it makes sense to handle your IT internally. But there is a tipping point at which your perceived "savings" have diminishing returns. You are spinning your wheels, resetting staff passwords, troubleshooting problem Wi-Fi hotspots, [...]

What are the Benefits of Managed IT Services?2024-11-22T12:25:56-07:00

Cloud backup or cloud storage? Find the right solution for your business.


As coronavirus continues to evolve and spread, many companies and organizations are looking at long-term solutions for working from home. One of the most common questions that come up for small and medium businesses is, “how do I keep my files safe while my team works remotely?” Cloud storage and cloud backup solutions are appealing options because they are easy to use and, in some cases, free. These options are often confusing, but there are critical differences between the two. In this article, we explore the differences between cloud storage and cloud backup. We also offer insights on the next steps for anyone interested in implementing one or both of these small business solutions. Cloud Storage Cloud storage makes accessing [...]

Cloud backup or cloud storage? Find the right solution for your business.2022-08-03T11:39:32-07:00

Protect Your Business and Data with IT Consulting in Denver


The days of cyber attackers solely gunning for the massive international corporations and other large organizations are long gone. Nowadays, every type of institution is at risk, whether it’s a small business owned by a sole entrepreneur, a regional business, or a monolithic corporation with locations around the world. It has never been more important to secure your network. Our IT consulting in Denver can help in your quest to preserve your data's integrity. However, you can also take some steps on your own to preserve your network's security. Educate Your Staff Your entire network can be taken down by a single employee misstep. If someone clicks the wrong file, opens the wrong e-mail or downloads the wrong attachment, your [...]

Protect Your Business and Data with IT Consulting in Denver2022-02-20T14:16:11-07:00

Your IT Consulting Firm in Denver Can Help You Smoothly Transition to the Cloud


As a business owner, it’s important to always keep your data security in mind. Having a safe and strong backup is necessary to keep your business away from cyberattacks and other inevitable cases that can cause you to lose files. In this case, you need our reliable IT consulting team in Denver to help you transition to the cloud, which can help you safeguard your data. All About the Transition The need for constant backups is one of the many things driving the cloud storage revolution, and more businesses are making the switch from desktop to cloud. If you’re planning to get on board, you’ll need to do some planning to make sure the transition is as smooth as possible. [...]

Your IT Consulting Firm in Denver Can Help You Smoothly Transition to the Cloud2022-02-20T14:16:17-07:00

Why IT Consulting in Denver Should Include Cloud-Based Healthcare


Healthcare facilities require robust IT consulting in Denver in order to meet HIPAA regulations and patient expectations. One way for hospitals to cut costs is to use subscription-based cloud services. Leaders in global healthcare cloud computing include Amazon Web Services, General Electric, IBM, Oracle, and Salesforce. Here are reasons that as a local IT consulting , we should offer cloud services to healthcare organizations. Healthcare's Adoption of Cloud Computing The growing interest among healthcare providers in cloud-based, Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) platforms is associated with both lower costs and reduced tech support requirements. The cloud makes running any business more seamless and flexible in many ways. Third party software can be easily integrated into the cross-platform system and doctors have multiple options [...]

Why IT Consulting in Denver Should Include Cloud-Based Healthcare2022-02-20T14:16:18-07:00

Our IT Consulting Experts in Denver Explains How a Data Backup Retention Policy Impacts Storage Needs


As time progresses, more and more data are stored on computers and servers. A backup system will safeguard your organization's data, yet it can also cause a spike in the amount of data stored. A policy-based system for storage might also prove helpful. Our IT consulting group in Denver has found data retention policies have proven successful to decrease data backup sizes and automate retention. The Challenge of Data Cleanup For the most part, a manual cleanup is not reasonable. A significant number of files that serve no purpose will eventually have to be cleaned up. This issue is made worse with backup data. Some IT groups have found success with a combination of frequent full system backups and incremental [...]

Our IT Consulting Experts in Denver Explains How a Data Backup Retention Policy Impacts Storage Needs2022-02-20T14:16:19-07:00

How our IT Consulting Firm in Denver Can Help a Small Business


CIOs are often associated with large companies, but small businesses can also benefit from our IT consulting Denver strategy that includes hiring a consultant on an as needed basis. There are numerous reasons why this strategy can be advantageous to a small business. Not only can an experienced CIO save your company money, we can help build a strong reputation for your brand. Instead of hiring a full-time expert to oversee and evaluate your technology, consider a part-time consultant. Tapping into a Wealth of Knowledge The most important thing to remember about hiring a CIO consultant is that the position is more than just a fancy title to help someone pad their resume. For example, you wouldn't want to create [...]

How our IT Consulting Firm in Denver Can Help a Small Business2022-02-20T14:16:19-07:00

IT Consulting in Denver Might be the Missing Piece to Your Business Puzzle


Just about every type of business can benefit from IT consulting in Denver. The typical business's IT needs are dynamic rather than static, meaning they constantly change as new challenges arise. IT needs to evolve over time as businesses change and grow, shrink or stagnate. Everything from updated network security to shifting to the cloud, to compliance, safeguarding customer data, and troubleshooting hardware/software issues require the assistance of true IT gurus. Our IT Professionals Give Your Business a Much-Needed Edge Think of all the possible situations in which an IT issue can slow your productivity, put client data in jeopardy, and generally bring work to a standstill. Your network, computers and software are vitally important to your productivity and success [...]

IT Consulting in Denver Might be the Missing Piece to Your Business Puzzle2022-02-20T14:16:20-07:00

Understand HIPAA Compliance with an IT Consulting Firm in Denver


The Government Holds You Responsible Here's the thing: HIPAA is complicated, and it's confusingly worded in some places to seem optional, while in others to seem ironclad. Usually, what seems optional has to do with means of implementation, but realistically, there isn't anything that can be negotiated. If you're found in violation of anything HIPAA-related, an audit could cost you quite a bit. They know the law and they're going to go above and beyond in order to ensure complete compliance. But having us, as your IT consulting partner in Denver can help your business to follow legal guidelines pertaining to the tech industry completely. The government should be your friend, but reality isn't fantasy land. The reality is there's [...]

Understand HIPAA Compliance with an IT Consulting Firm in Denver2022-02-20T14:16:21-07:00

How to Carefully Choose the Right IT Consulting in Denver for Your Business


Large and medium-sized organizations are increasingly turning to managed IT service providers to control and maintain their enterprise communication systems. Understanding what’s required of your IT consulting in Denver is essential. How the outsourced companies go about their business determines how your experience with them turns out, and it could be great or it could turn out to be a nightmare. Organizations must find out if their managed service provider is equipped to handle the sophisticated nature of your business. Regular scrutinizing of your managed service provider is essential to ensure that there are no security breaches and compliance is always high to meet the needs of your company. To ensure that everything runs smoothly, your managed IT service provider [...]

How to Carefully Choose the Right IT Consulting in Denver for Your Business2022-02-20T14:16:22-07:00

Have an Office in Your Pocket with the Help of Your IT Consulting Firm in Denver


Modernity IT consulting in Denver are going to be an increasing necessity as your business grows. But every business must climb that initial hill to profitability. It's nice to have a secretary, it's nice to have a second-in-command… shoot, it's nice to have any employees, but until your business has made it to a level sufficient for the sustenance of profitable activity, this is a cost you probably can't afford. What happens as a result? Well, when you're starting out, you end up doing most of the work yourself. Selling, presenting, and organizing must be done by you and you only. Thankfully, modern tech solutions make this more doable than it has been. Smartphones Your smartphone has more technological capability [...]

Have an Office in Your Pocket with the Help of Your IT Consulting Firm in Denver2022-02-20T14:16:24-07:00
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